The Rotunda and Lawn of the University of Virginia
Joel B. Smith
m3 Consulting & Services
VR Size: 350 x 240
This panorama shows the Lawn on the Grounds of the University of Virginia. At one end, closer in the panorama is the Rotunda, and the other end you see Cabel Hall. UVa. was designed by Thomas Jefferson, whose home, Monticello can be seen from the Grounds. Each side of the Lawn is lined by living quarters for students and larger pavillions which serve as both residential space for professors and classrooms. To live on the Lawn is a privledge. This is the heart of the University of Virginia.
The University of Virginia is loacated in Charlottesville, along the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains. There are many wonderful and unique places in central Virginia, but few are so closely identified with the area's residents as the Rotunda. That's why I selected this subject for the first Wrinkle project.
I took the panorama with Apple's Quicktake 200. The camera was mounted on a Kiwi+ pan head from Kaidan. It was stitched in Apple's QuickTive VR Authoring Studio and processed as a QuickTime 1.0 movie using the Authoring Suite tools in MPW.
The weather was overcast, 45 degrees Fahrenheit with no notable winds. While shooting the panorama, the sun came out. Some adjustments were made in Photoshop to make up for deficiencies in the QT200's automatic exposure.